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Coworking with Kids

We do understand the need to create a work-family balance and therefore we offer a reliable childcare service on site.


While experienced childminders take care of your child right next door, you have the chance to continue working at your own speed.


In addition to your flexible desk and the existing infrastructure, we provide you with networking opportunities with like-minded people from different backgrounds.


Our offer is mainly for children from the age of 6 months to 3 years. If your children are younger or older, please contact us to help you find a 1:1 solution.

Our Booking Options
combination of co-working with a child

Coworking & Childcare Single Booking

Per Day,

Registration and Cancelation

>24 hours before start

Trial 9€*



Hour   16€/h*

(Registration >24 hours before start)


Last Minute  20€/h*

(Registration <24 hours before start)




Coworking & Childcare Booking Packages

Valid 1 month,

Registration and Cancelation

>24 hours before start




(10 hours ø 15.00 €/h)





Additional Service

Per use,

each with registration


PlayTime  7€/ h*

(Playroom use per person)


Home Service

20 €/h*

(Sitter comes to your home)


Nanny 22-25 €/h*

(via partner agency)



You get the chance to book a childcare unit and reserve it. Without reservation, we can only allow additional children in case there are free spaces left.

We are happy to explain further details about the booking procedure to you directly: Please give us a call or swing by for a trial session.


One child-care unit depends on your booking.



(Alternatively, you can also choose a tariff without childcare and book childcare units on demand.)

Co-working and childcare costs are tax-deductable.


Additionally, childcare costs might be reimbursed by the Jugendamt if a KITA space is lacking.



*All indicated prices are net and taxes will be added.

Discounts only with pre-payment.

Booking packages are valid for one month.

All tariffs are flexible with fair cancellation conditions.

All costs are tax-deductable.



You are more than welcome to join us for a free meet'n'greet or book a trial session before deciding for a certain booking option so that you get the chance to get to know our rooms and facilities. We are happy to explain all options to you so that you can choose the package that works best for you.


Our offer is mainly for children from the age of 4 months to 3 years. If your children are older and you need to find an emergency solution for childcare, please contact us.


We want to provide a calm and organized environment. Therefore please plan your sleeping and feeding times accordingly.


There are two separate rooms for playing and sleeping available. Parents are only allowed to enter these spaces upon approval of the childminders in order to keep the environment as peaceful and quiet as possible.


In the interest of everyone, we only accept children that are vaccinated and healthy!

For further information or if you have any questions, please e-mail us or join us for a trial session.


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